Occupational Therapists have been training clients in functional skills since our profession began. With intervention, clients and their families can look forward to an increase in level of function. This will decrease the cost of care to families, insurance companies, and taxpayers.
Occupational Therapists are skilled at choosing from a wide variety of tools which assist in the assessment of the individual's difficulties. Some of these tools require additional training in theory and practice, such as the SIPT (Sensory and Integration Praxis Tests). Back to Life Rehabilitation's Owner, Jeanmarie Breault Towsley has this additional training and is certified in the use of the SIPT and Sensory Integration Therapy. This is an A. Jean Ayres registered trademark therapy.
- Skills for functional tasks
- self concept and self esteem
- Oral motor development and eating skills
- Body position for self care and daily activities
- Perceptual motor skills
- Spatial and Body perception
- Ability to concentrate and organize self
- Organization and sequencing of functional tasks
- consultation with the family, doctors, school personnel, and others involved in order to provide the best rehabilitation plan
- referrals to other health care professionals and/or community agencies when appropriate
- Hand skills for fine motor tasks